

Technology is The First Productive Force.

Reverse Engineering DSAS Engage's API to Get CCA Information

This blog post discusses how to obtain CCA information in the DSAS system through analysis and automation, including obtaining ASP.NET_SessionId and .ASPXFORMSAUTH, and using this information to retrieve ActivityDetails. The article provides a detailed explanation of the implementation methods for each step, along with a Python sample code demonstrating the entire process.

Claude 3 Opus's Performance in C Language Exam

This blog post presents a simulated C language programming exam, featuring question types such as fill-in-the-blanks, short answer questions, and application problems. The objective is to comprehensively assess students' mastery of C language knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and skills in writing efficient and elegant code. Through such a mock test, students can identify their weaknesses and make thorough preparations for the actual exam. At the same time, it provides readers with an intuitive understanding of the key points in C language assessment.